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Sudah latihan speaking?
Well, di tulisan kali ini saya akan menuliskan beberapa topik yang bisa saja muncul dalam IELTS speaking part 3.
Check it out!
Apa kamu sedang dalam persiapan IELTS?
Sudah latihan speaking?
Well, di tulisan kali ini saya akan menuliskan beberapa topik yang bisa saja muncul dalam IELTS speaking part 3.
[Bagi kamu yang belum tahu isi dari IELTS speaking, bisa baca dulu di sini..]Nah, seperti yang kita bahas sebelumnya, kalau di part 3 ini berisi The Discussion. Jadi, examiner akan menanyakanmu beberapa pertanyaan terkait suatu topik yang sifatnya abstrak. Jadi di pertanyaan ini menuntut kamu untuk berpikir analitis dan grammar yang digunakan pun beragam. Di artikel ini ada beberapa contoh pertanyaan dan jawaban yang bisa kamu pelajari. Tentunya kamu bisa memodifikasi dengan beragam jawaban yang bisa kamu buat sendiri untuk latihan-latihanmu.
Check it out!
- The Media
Q: How do you think we will get news in the future?
A: Well, that’s an interesting question. In my opinion, traditional sources of news like newspapers will become obsolete. Nowadays, people don’t want to wait for their news, so they go online and use websites like Twitter. This will happen even more in the future.
- Family
Q: How do you think the family will change in the future?
A: Probably the biggest change that I can see happening is that families will become smaller. It is more likely that both parents will have to work in the future so I think this will have an effect on how many children they decide to have
- Education
Q: What impact will the technology have in education in the future?
A: Technology? Well, it has already had a big influence on teaching and learning, and I think this will continue. But I think it’s unlikely that computers will replace teachers.
- Travel
Q: Do you think people will travel more or less in the future?
A: My guess is that people will probably travel more in the future. Airfares are getting cheaper and people are becoming more interested in seeing the world, experiencing new cultures, that sort of thing.
- Shopping
Q: Do you think people's shopping habits are likely to change in the future?
A: Well, that’s a good question. I think they probably will, because of online shopping. If people continue to use the Internet for shopping, we might see fewer shops. But I guess there are some shops that we will always need, like supermarkets.
- Environment
Q: Do you think there will be more environmental problem in the future?
A: Most people seem to agree that we will face more environmental problems in the future because of climate change. There might be more floods, droughts, and so on. Governments around the world will need to work together to try to solve these problems.
- Cities
Q: What are some of the main problems that cities will face in the future?
A: That’s a good question. From my perspective, the problems that cities face now will probably continue. For example, overcrowding is an issue in many large cities. As more people move to the city to work, the cost of housing may increase because there will be more demand. The government will need to take some measures to address these issues.
- Art
Q: How important is art in our society? Should the government do more to support art and artists?
A: Well, I have to admit that in my view, art is very nice, but it shouldn’t be a major priority for governments. If people want to create art or appreciate art, that’s OK, but I don’t think the government needs to get involved. There are other more important issues for the government to be concerned about, like unemployment or the economy.
- Music
Q: How do you think music industry will change in the future?
A: I love music, so I hope that the music industry will remain strong and that musicians will continue to make wonderful music. I am a bit worried about how this will happen, though. These days, because of illegal downloading, it’s hard to make a living from selling your music. But I hope that the music industry will adapt and go on.
- Work
Q: What kinds of jobs do you think will be in demand in the future?
A: That’s a good question. I think we’d all like to know the answer to that! If I had to make a prediction, I would say that there will probably be plenty of jobs in aged care as our population ages. I think we can be fairly certain about that.
- Housing
Q: How do you think homes in the future will be decorated and furnished?
A: Well, I really have no idea, but one trend that I’ve noticed is that people want to have an outdoor area so that they can spend time outside. So apartments will probably have large balconies and houses will have outdoor areas or decks so that people can set up a barbecue and eat outside and enjoy the fresh air.
- Celebrations
Q: Are there any traditional festivals in your country that are disappearing? What do you think should be done about this?
A: I wouldn’t say that any traditional festivals are disappearing, but they are changing. For example, some festivals are based on religious traditions, but people have forgotten what those traditions are. They celebrate by buying special food or wearing fancy clothes, but they don’t really understand why they are doing it. To answer the second part of your question, I think that people should be reminded about the true significance and history of our religious and cultural festivals. Perhaps this can be taught in schools.
- Food
Q: In the future how important will be for a country to be able to grow all the food that it needs?
A: This is something that I feel quite strongly about. I’m quite worried that in the future there will be food shortages in some places because of climate change and a growing population. So I think we should all learn to grow our own food, even if it’s just some herbs in a pot.
- Leisure
Q: What type of leisure activities may become more popular in the future?
A: It’s hard to say, but I think most of the activities that we do now will still be popular. So, although some people think that technology will change how we spend our free time, I disagree. For example, walking has always been a popular leisure activity. Nowadays, people can use electronic devices to monitor how much walking they do every day. I think walking will continue to be a popular leisure activity in the future.
- Clothes
Q: What kinds of fashions do you think teenagers will be wearing in the future?
A: I have no idea because I’m not really interested in fashion. However,I do know that teenagers always want to be different from adults and children, so in the future, I’m sure that they will wear fashions that are different from what the adults are wearing.
- Transport
Q: What changes do you predict in public transport over the next few years?
A: Well, I hope that the government will add to our public transport network so people won’t have to rely on private cars. For example, the government is planning to expand the rail network in my country, so that people can move quickly from city to city without having to drive or fly. This will have a positive impact on the environment and on the economy, in my opinion.
Dari ke-16 topik tersebut, apakah ada yang pernah terlintas dalam pikiran kalian?
Tidak selalu topik di part 3 adalah tentang prediksi di masa mendatang, namun kebanyakan membahas tentang masa depan. Karena dengan membahas masa depan, kamu dituntut untuk berpikir analitis berdasarkan fenomena saat ini. But well, tidak semua topik tentu benar-benar kamu pahami. Dari contoh di atas, ada beberapa jawaban yang menyiratkan ketidaktahuan, seperti:
"I have no idea abiut this, however..."
Atau ketika kamu tidak terlalu setuju dengan pertanyaan itu, kamu bisa mengucapkan seperti:
"I have to admit that in my view art is not a major priority"
"I wouldn't say that it is disappearing, but it is changing..".
Jadi, ketika kalian bingung akan menjawab apa, jangan terdiam dan berpikir. Tapi, latihlah dirimu untuk berbicara basa-basi sambil berpikir untuk menyusun kalimat berikutnya. 😁
Selamat latihan! Semoga tulisan ini membantu.
*Notes: materi ini diambil dari online course EdX.org
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